Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Caribana 2009

This past weekend I headed up to Caribana, the Caribbean Parade that I have been frequenting every year in Toronto, Canada since I was a baby. The vibe is great and the music is infectious. You will see and hear everything from steel pan, to soca/calypso, to reggae.

If you've ever been to any Carnival, you know just how live this event is, and Caribana is one of the biggest ones in the world (there are smaller ones in DC, Miami, and most known New York.) With it's only real competition (my opinion) being Trinidad and Tobago.

Along the parade route you will see masqueradors (people dressed up in costume), large floats, and of course the large trucks blasting music, up and down the parkway.
It's a day of celebration and unity and one not to be missed.


Ardourliene said...

Aww Looks like it was big this year maybe i should have joined in with my friend.. oh well at least you and your friends had a great time

Ms. T said...

Those costumes look so pretty.

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Ms. T